The Benny Awards: The Legend Behind the Name

Understand why AAF Polk County calls their Best of Category Award “The Benny”

The American Advertising Awards competition is a three-tiered competition. For members of the AAF Polk County chapter, that starts here at our local level before then moving on to the Fourth District, then Nationals.

One of the staples in our Polk County local competition is the unique name awarded to the Best of Category winners: The Benny Award.

The Award was named in honor of Ernest Richard “Dick” Bennick, former Executive Director and supporter of AAF Polk County for many years.

Mr. Bennick’s legacy took shape in the form of Dr. Paul Bearer, a pun-spewing, bad-joke-telling host who spoke in a gravelly voice with an unusual attire and look. The character appeared on WTOG’s Creature Feature, and he continues to hold the record for the longest-ever continuous run as TV horror-movie host at 22 years.

While Creature Feature originated in St. Petersburg and was broadcast statewide, Bennick created the character at WGHP in High Point, North Carolina in the mid-to-late 1960’s for the station’s Shock Theater. According to Bennick, finding the ‘look’ took some thought, acquiring pieces from inspirations like Vincent Price and John Zacherley.

“As the character continued to develop, I came up with two answers for where the scar came from,” Bennick said in a 1991 interview. “If a little kid asks me about it, I say I got it in a used scar lot! If it’s an adult, I tell them I got it in the war and try to prompt them into saying well which war? I reply the boudoir (boo-d-war)!”

In 1973, Bennick moved to Polk County, Florida with his wife, Patty, where he brought Dr. Paul Bearer with him to WTOG. He continued to be active in his communities: driving in parades in his hearse, making public appearances, and even getting a day proclamation named after him by the Tampa mayor in 1993!

And we’re honored to continue his legacy with our Benny Awards!

“Dr. Paul Bearer’s world is very real to him. It’s everyone else who is out of step, and when you stop and think about it, isn’t that how most of us really are?”

Watch the WTOG 44 Tribute Video to see some of his interviews and funniest moments.

Find out more about the AAF Polk County competition and how you can enter for a chance at the prestigious Benny Award. As Dr. Paul Bearer would say, “I’ll be lurking for you!”

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